ADO.OLEDB.JET - Access Violation при передаче неполного параметра
Экспорт ADO таблиц в разные форматы
Written on . Posted in [Delphi] Базы данных. ADO
{ Exporting ADO tables into various formats
In this article I want to present a component I built in order to supply exporting features to the ADOTable component. ADO supplies an extended SQL syntax that allows exporting of data into various formats. I took into consideration the following formats:
1)Excel 2)Html 3)Paradox 4)Dbase 5)Text
You can see all supported output formats in the registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\ISAM formats"
type TExportADOTable = class(TADOTable) private { Private declarations } //TADOCommand component used to execute the SQL exporting commands FADOCommand: TADOCommand; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
//Export procedures //"FiledNames" is a comma separated list of the names of the fields you want to export //"FileName" is the name of the output file (including the complete path) //if the dataset is filtered (Filtered = true and Filter <> ''), then I append //the filter string to the sql command in the "where" directive //if the dataset is sorted (Sort <> '') then I append the sort string to the sql command in the //"order by" directive
ifnot Active then Exit; FADOCommand.Connection := Connection; FADOCommand.CommandText := 'Select ' + FieldNames + ' INTO ' + '[' + SheetName + ']' + ' IN ' + '"' + FileName + '"' + '[' + IsamFormat + ';]' + ' From ' + TableName; if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' where ' + Filter; if (Sort <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' order by ' + Sort; FADOCommand.Execute; end;
procedure TExportADOTable.ExportToHtml(FieldNames: string; FileName: string); var IsamFormat: string; begin ifnot Active then Exit;
IsamFormat := 'HTML Export';
FADOCommand.Connection := Connection; FADOCommand.CommandText := 'Select ' + FieldNames + ' INTO ' + '[' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + ']' + ' IN ' + '"' + ExtractFilePath(FileName) + '"' + '[' + IsamFormat + ';]' + ' From ' + TableName; if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' where ' + Filter; if (Sort <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' order by ' + Sort; FADOCommand.Execute; end;
procedure TExportADOTable.ExportToParadox(FieldNames: string; FileName: string; IsamFormat: string); begin {IsamFormat values Paradox 3.X Paradox 4.X Paradox 5.X Paradox 7.X } ifnot Active then Exit;
FADOCommand.Connection := Connection; FADOCommand.CommandText := 'Select ' + FieldNames + ' INTO ' + '[' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + ']' + ' IN ' + '"' + ExtractFilePath(FileName) + '"' + '[' + IsamFormat + ';]' + ' From ' + TableName; if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' where ' + Filter; if (Sort <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' order by ' + Sort; FADOCommand.Execute; end;
procedure TExportADOTable.ExportToDbase(FieldNames: string; FileName: string; IsamFormat: string); begin {IsamFormat values dBase III dBase IV dBase 5.0 } ifnot Active then Exit;
FADOCommand.Connection := Connection; FADOCommand.CommandText := 'Select ' + FieldNames + ' INTO ' + '[' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + ']' + ' IN ' + '"' + ExtractFilePath(FileName) + '"' + '[' + IsamFormat + ';]' + ' From ' + TableName; if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' where ' + Filter; if (Sort <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' order by ' + Sort; FADOCommand.Execute; end;
procedure TExportADOTable.ExportToTxt(FieldNames: string; FileName: string); var IsamFormat: string; begin ifnot Active then Exit;
IsamFormat := 'Text';
FADOCommand.Connection := Connection; FADOCommand.CommandText := 'Select ' + FieldNames + ' INTO ' + '[' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + ']' + ' IN ' + '"' + ExtractFilePath(FileName) + '"' + '[' + IsamFormat + ';]' + ' From ' + TableName; if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' where ' + Filter; if (Sort <> '') then FADOCommand.CommandText := FADOCommand.CommandText + ' order by ' + Sort; FADOCommand.Execute; end;
{ Note that you can use an already existing database as destination but not an already existing table in the database itself: if you specify an already exixting table you will receive an error message. You might insert a verification code inside every exporting procedure of my component, before the execution of the sql exporting command, in order to send a request of deleting the already present table or aborting the exporting process.
carlo Pasolini, Riccione(italy), e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. }